Infinite Potential

I’m writing this blog about infinite potential as it leads on from a previous blog about 'Forgiveness' (letting go and allowing yourself to move on with freedom). Well, part of that moving on also involves realizing just what a powerful individual each one of you are. Yes you are on this physical plane but in essence you are spirit, you are part of the source of all creation. A Life Force which is infinite and which therefore means you are also infinite. But that infinite potential is cloaked within this physical body. It is finding ways to live your life beyond the constraints of your physical being. One of the best ways in which to do this is to connect to your true self. Connecting to your spirit self and allowing that energy to play a larger part in your thoughts, in your actions, in everything about you, in your conscious world. By conscious world I mean in your awakened hours. For when you are sleeping you are no longer bound by any limitations or restrictions of the physical. In your sleeping hours you become more attuned to your spirit self. You can also achieve this state by creating a bridge from that sleep state to your conscious state through entering into the stillness. The stillness of meditation. The stillness of finding something that you can lose yourself to and yet be creative at that same time. So maybe painting, drawing, writing, going for a walk, music, sitting and gazing into the far distance without focusing on anything or whatever it is that resonates with you.

You are all infinite beings, because you are spirit. It is through allowing a stronger connection to your spirit self, that spirit energy that is of the Life Force, that will create a greater balance in your life. As well as creating greater sense of well being, a greater and deeper understanding into the realization that you are an infinite being and therefore of infinite potential. The stronger you allow that connection to your spirit self to play a part in your conscious hours, the more you will have thoughts and be guided to live your life and make decisions that will be more fulfilling. Even when going about your everyday tasks you will find that because you are filled with a greater contentment of who you are, in any given moment, you find a greater joy in everything you do. And through this greater joy you then create within yourself a greater inspiration in moving your life forward with a stronger self belief that you can achieve all that you desire.

How many times have you made decisions based on thinking you weren’t good enough or believed others when they’ve said, ‘you’re not good enough’? But why allow yourself to live a life in restriction caused by others. People will often react from a point of fear and hence make fear based decisions. If we allow ourselves to go beyond that fear in realizing we are full of infinite potential and truly believing in that, through connecting to our spirit in a much stronger way, then we will more fully allow ourselves to expand on everything which we currently do. Deciding in every given moment to live life in that belief. To live life in a greater expansion and expression of love. To live life with an increased appreciation of the greatness that we are all capable of. And if ever those around you are struggling and still making fear based decisions, don’t choose to join them but rather allow yourself to continue to shine. Allow yourself to continue to radiate the belief that you are infinite potential. In allowing yourself to radiate and shine you will become a beacon, a beacon of hope for others to do likewise.

You are only responsible for your own path. You are only responsible for your own thoughts and actions. Find that greater connection and allow the infinite spirit that you are to help guide you forward in creating a life that will be filled with an ever increasing expansion. And remember that expansion can continue to grow even beyond your final breath within this physical being, within this physical existence, because your spirit still lives on.

So no matter what age you are, whether you be younger, older or anywhere in-between allow yourself to make decisions in the present moment that will free you to expand. Allow yourself to make decisions from the strength of your infinite spirit, and not dwelling upon what has gone before, for as when I spoke about forgiveness and letting go, the past is the past. It cannot be changed, but what you can do is fully commit to living your life in the present moment with an appreciation of the greatness that you are, the greatness that you can be and the greatness that you can always be.

Before finishing this article I would ask you to take a few moments for yourself. Close your eyes and take a couple of slow breaths. On the in-breath say to yourself "I am infinite spirit" and on the out-breath saying "I live a life of joy and infinite potential".

You can do this short exercise at any time you feel in need of a quick boost to help you to re-center, re-focus and to keep that stronger connection to who you truly are. We are all infinite beings at our core, therefore each one of us is infinite potential. It is a matter of choosing to allow ourselves to fulfill what we desire to be.

Achieving Freedom Through Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a very powerful tool, It has the power to release you from the past.

Often when people are considering forgiveness they think about others and the need to forgive them. But really forgiveness begins with yourself. And in self forgiveness you then allow yourself to live a life with greater freedom, because you are releasing yourself from those events, those thoughts, those relationships that anchor you to the past and restrict you from fully expressing that which you truly are, a loving spirit.

In allowing to forgive yourself you are allowing yourself to also go beyond self judgement and self judgement can be a very crippling energy. It is worth remembering that if we are unwilling to forgive ourselves then whilst we may think we are forgiving others it will not be a full forgiveness.

So in order to forgive others we must first forgive ourselves. I’m not suggesting that you sit and ponder about all the events of the past, regrets that you may have, the people that may have upset you, things that have taken place that you have not been happy with, or decisions that you have made that did not sit well with you then and maybe still doesn't now. But rather when you feel a negative thought or a negative energy connected with something that you have done or experienced, then in those moments allow self forgiveness.

Allow yourself to be unshackled from the past and with that unshackling comes a great liberation. A liberation into a new you, into a lighter, brighter, more effervescent you. It will then allow you to let go of any hurts that others may have caused you. Because once you have allowed self forgiveness you can then more fully let go through forgiving others, in the realization that they were only doing what they knew to do at that time, with the understanding they had. In the same vein that you reacted or acted in the way that you did, given the understanding that YOU had at that time.

This is intertwined with the realities of living in the physical world. For as non-physical, as spirit, you would not allow yourself to hold on to those emotional energies because they are not part of your true being. It is through the physical existence that those more negative energies, those more destructive energies can play their part, but only if you allow it. Everything is about you allowing. Allowing yourself to let go. Allowing yourself complete forgiveness.

Funnily enough the realities are that there is really nothing to forgive. But the physical aspect of ourselves will often require that thought process to take place in order to allow us to move forward.

So if you continue to be bothered by things that have taken place in the past, some old thought patterns, some old destructive thought patterns, then realize that your power is in this moment. In this moment you can choose to forgive. Forgive yourself and to then forgive others.

I’ll leave you with these last thoughts. It is all a matter of allowing yourself to live a life with greater freedom and you do that by making your choices now, in this moment. What is past, is past. Now is a new beginning. So allow yourself to begin that new beginning and enter into it with that stronger sense of freedom through a greater connection to the loving self of your spirit.